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10th Grade Overview

During the 2017-18 school year, I was a sophomore at the Dayton Regional STEM School. Over the course of my 10th grade career, I learned how to be a junior and to prepare for my future. At the time of writing, I am interested in pursuing a medical career of a pediatrician or OB/GYN. I am aware that these careers take time, money, and persistence to be able to pursue, and I am willing to sacrifice in order to achieve my goals. 


Reflections Grade 10
Developing Strength: Writing & Acting
Classes: History, Language Arts


This reflection details how I grew stronger in both writing and acting during the Imperial Monologue project. Click the picture to go to my reflection.


Career Interests: Medical Industry
Classes: Biology, Language Arts, Wellness & Fitness


This reflection where you will see how I developed an interest in the medical industry and artifacts proving my interest. Click the picture to go to my reflection.


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