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Irish Dancing Showcase

Hi! Welcome to my Irish Dancing Showcase Page! This is just where I showcase my life as an Irish dancer. It's a major part of my life and I decided to dedicate an entire web page to it.

Oireachtas 2019

These are pictures from the Mid-America Oireachtas in November 2019. It is also known as the Regional Irish Dancing Championships. At this Oireachtas, I placed 9th in the region and qualified for the World Irish Dancing Championships in April 2020. I also competed in a team dancing compeition for the first time and placed 3rd.

Oireachtas Rince na hÉireann 2019

These are pictures from the Oireachtas Rince na hÉireann in February 2019. It is also known as All Irelands. At this international competition, I placed 66th and just missed a recall (placing in the top 50). 

Miscellaneous Feises

These are pictures from miscellaneous small dance competitions that I have participated in throughout the years. An irish dance competition is called a, "feis" (pronounced "feh-sh") within the dance community. 

Where's Waldo? Can you find me?

Major Competitions

These are a collection of pictures from past regional and national competitions I have participated in.

Our Burger


As an Irish dancer, March is an incredibly busy time for me. I'm constantly running around town with my dance friends to places like grocery stores, nursery homes, schools, and festivals to dance for people celebrating St. Patrick's Day. 

Video Gallery

Video Gallery
Our Burger
Where's Waldo? Can you find me?

All Pictures Compiled

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