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7th Grade Overview

My greatest growth out of the 5 Qualities (Persistence, Inquiry, Collaboration, Communication, and Creativity) I improved on this year is persistence. The 5 Qualities are 5 different things students at DRSS strive to be. Persistence will help me as a student because it teaches me to work hard and try again. I’ll need that when I work on future projects. Without that, how am I going to make drafts, revisions, or projects in general? Persistence is a great quality to grow in because it is such a healthy-to-have quality, and it is perfect for doing great things for the world. Like our president had to work hard to be the president, there are lots of stairs that lead to greatness. Persistence is my greatest growth because looking over all my reflections, they seem to all point to persistence. Like when we did the Jump Rope Routine, my partner Maria and I had to get the routine just right and get through it without messing up or getting exhausted. Since we had to recreate it and try our best over and over again, we were “exercising” our persistence. The Jump Rope Routine was where we got a partner and then created a routine of at least 3 different types of jumping (ex: jump forward on one foot) that lasted at least a minute. Persistence is important at DRSS because it teaches us good habits that can be used in the future, DRSS wants us to be successful. I also realized that my Irish dancing proved my persistence increased because I have been stuck in the same level for almost two years. But since my persistence improved, I practiced more. Since I practiced more, I moved up to the next level which was champs. Since then my dancing has improved more and more, which only further proves my growth. Go to my Projects page here.

This is my partner Maria and I doing our Jump Rope Routine

Math 7


Labeling and Identifying Angle Measures
Class: Math


In math I grew in geometry, more specifically, I grew in identifying angle measures and labeling them. This is my math reflection where I explain how I grew this year. Click the picture to go to my math reflection.


Class: Wellness and Fitness


This is where you will see my Wellness and Fitness reflection (one of three I referred to in the first paragraph) and artifacts proving my growth. This year in W&F I grew in stamina. Stamina is basically your physical endurance, how long you can last without getting really tired. Click the picture to go to my Reflection.


Class: Language Arts


This is where you will see my Language Arts Reflection  and artifacts proving my growth. I grew in critiquing. The Storybook project proves it. The Storybook project was a project where we partnered up with someone else and made a children's book that teaches them about refusal skills, effective communication, or conflict resolution. Click the picture to go to my Language Arts Reflection.


W/F 7
LA 7
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