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Wellness and Fitness


This year I grew in my stamina in Wellness and Fitness. Stamina is being able to exercise and exert energy for a long time. I am performing differently in my Irish dancing and in Wellness & Fitness because of it. This difference is good, now I can do a lot more and exercise better. An endeavor that proves this is the Pacer Test because I got more paces the second time so I improved. I think that a lot of the games that we played in class really helped because they were a lot of the time, running games where we ran for a super long time and rarely got breaks. This was really pulling at my stamina and my stamina improved. I actually have an artifact for the Pacer Test.


My first artifact is the Fitness Assessment Log: 7th grade. You can see on my first Pacer Test, I only got 23, but on the second time, I got 38. The Pacer Test tests your endurance which is basically your stamina. When you get more laps, you ran for longer without getting tuckered out, this shows you have better endurance. You basically listen to a track that tells you when to stop and go, and he gives you less and less time to run a lap. Since I got better the second time, my stamina improved.


My second artifact is the Fitness Data Chart: 1st Quarter. It shows my growth (the heart rate differs because we do different exercises which require different exertions of energy) because Everybody Bean Bag Tag and Steal the Gold are both listed on the paper and are both very difficult games where everyone is constantly running (away from people or beanbags). When we did Everybody Bean Bag, the heart rates were 198 and 204 and when we did Steal the Gold, the rates were 204 and 174. I ran as fast as I could the entire time of each, except when I got out and I had to do excercises. That means my heart didn’t have to work as hard during Steal the Gold. Since the heart rate has a lot to do with my stamina, and it was after Everybody Bean Bag, it only further proves my claim because if my heart didn’t have to work as hard, my stamina is better.

Artifact #1

This is where we recorded the amount of sit ups, laps, push ups, etc.

Artifact #2

This is where we recorded our heart rates and RPE

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