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9th Grade Projects

In this page, you can see how I grew, Excelled and Struggled throughout the course of my 9th-grade career.  


In the August of 2016 when I was in ninth grade, I was still mentally an eighth grader. I had no idea what to expect of high school and to be honest I was scared. I was scared of colleges watching me and cumulative GPA. I was worried that a single B would drag me down. While high school is all of these things, it’s also not as scary as people make it out to be, and I think that I have slowly discovered this over my time as a ninth grader. The purpose of this essay is to tell the reader how I am ready for 10th grade, using some of my mistakes, growth, and outstanding moments as evidence. My August-self was still trying to do things in a middle school way. I didn’t know any other way than what I had been doing my entire life. Of course, I always do that. When I started eighth grade I still did things like a seventh grader, and so on. Each new grade requires a bit more effort and concentration. If you don’t keep up and try harder, then you won’t succeed. This is how it’s always been, and it’s pretty fair. With the beginning of ninth grade, I was at the beginning of my high school career, this means a new workload. With my hectic schedule already filled to the brim, I had to squeeze in an extra club and extra homework. This wasn’t easy, but I think I’ve got the hang of it now, and I’m more mature because of it. I know now it isn’t the best idea to put things off until the very last minute because stress only awaits a person who does that -- stress and bad grades. Now that I have realized this, I am most certainly ready for the tenth grade, otherwise known as, sophomore year. Of course, when I begin 10th grade, I will still behave like a 9th grader. Every road is never without its ups and downs, and even though downs aren't the greatest, they're always something to learn and grow from. I've included some examples of my ups and downs below.

Throughout the course of my ninth grade year, I feel I have had to rely on persistence the most. The workload in high school is different than for middle school, and you don’t get so many second chances. I have to really put in the effort to keep up my grades, and sometimes (but not always) my effort isn’t enough. This is usually a sign to step it up. Now that I am more than three-fourths of the way through this school year, I understand a lot more about high school and the responsibilities that come with it. I have worked on my studying habits significantly since the year began because if I didn't study, I wouldn't do so well. I usually make a Quizlet set for things I really need to remember, and having good studying habits really shows that my maturity level has increased. I have also helped other people when they were struggling, which is not something I had ever done before. Usually I was the person who needed help, not the helper. Being a freshman was sort of like a way to get to know high school, and now I think I’m ready to take it on a date.

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