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How I Struggled​

This year in Language Arts was different than what I had expected and what I was used to. Language Arts (LA) in years past mainly concentrated on reading or vocab assignments, and while those were included this year, they weren’t what we focused on. I was thrown because this year we got down to nitty-gritty details of grammar usage, presentation skills, and sentence patterns/diagramming. I haven’t and never will see the use for sentence patterns/diagramming (unless I should grow up to be a Language Arts teacher which is unlikely), and the grammar skills we prioritized aren’t commonly used unless you happen to be an extreme linguist. I must admit though, presentation skills are a must, and mine were definitely lacking. I struggled this year in what was usually my best and favorite class. In my first artifact, you can see that I didn’t do so well on it. I received a 70% because did not understand the topic of sentence patterns. Once I found the subject and predicate, I was lost and didn’t know how to find the rest. This is obviously not a satisfactory grade or level of understanding, but I was having so many difficulties I couldn’t change it. In my second artifact, I received an 83%, which is better than the first artifact, but still not good enough. This artifact is a rubric for a partner presentation I did, and I made several rookie mistakes. I had a sweatshirt on, so I put my hands in the pocket, and I was just not very professional in general. Since I usually received an A in my quarter grades for LA, a B grade and C grade aren’t going to give me that, and they didn’t. I have consistently earned a B each quarter for LA. It’s sort of ironic because I easily earned an A each quarter for Math, a subject I had struggled with the previous year, and then barely got B’s in a class I usually excelled at.

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