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8th Grade Projects

Over the course of my 8th grade year I feel I have grown in Collaboration. I have had many group projects and as I experienced each one, my collaboration skills progressed. I have never been all that great working with people, I always want to do it because I always fear the other person will mess it up or not do it right. If they’re passive, they shrug it off, if they’re assertive, we clash. It’s like a huge war. Obviously, it doesn’t matter what their personality is like, it’s still not okay to boss someone around and do the all the work. This was how I behaved at the beginning of the year, but by now, I know better. I have grown in working with other people and that is really important because it can affect my future positively. In Plate Tectonics, my group members were all very assertive and fought a lot, but by the end of the project, we were all collaborating efficiently. This is a sign of collaboration growth. There is a quality however, that I probably most definitely need to work on, and that is Inquiry. I just don’t ask enough questions. Without being curious, I can’t progress as a high school student or in my career. I may need to be inquisitive for more group projects or simply need to ask my boss more questions about an assignment. Since I’m not the best at this, this is probably the quality I need to put most of my focus in.

How can I improve the memory of all people who forget; about why we forget, through an interactive, decorative bucket?

Genius Hour 8
Science 8

Genius Hour Project

Genius Hour is a project done in many schools across the United States. You first start with an idea, any idea really, whatever you're interested in or curious about. You pick this idea or topic and you research all about it. Say my topic is, "Why are horses so fast?" I would research how their muscles work, how gravity affects them, how their brain interacts with obstacles, etc. Then, once you have as much research as you need, you create a final product like a website, book or poster board- anything that you want to do and are capable of doing. Once finished, you present your findings and product to a public audience. It's supposed to give students time to do a project that they are actually interested in, and will excel in. Whether this goal is met or not is up to the students. Go to Genius Hour Page.


Class: Science


In science I grew in collaboration, more specifically, I grew in working with other people fluently to create something great. This is my science reflection where I explain how I grew this year. Click the picture to go to my Science Reflection.

Class: History


This is where you will see my History reflection and artifacts proving my growth. This year in History I grew in persistence. Persistence is basically trying over and over again, even if you fail, to achieve your goal. Click the picture to go to my History Reflection.




This is where you will see my STEM Foundations Reflection and artifacts proving my growth. I grew in communication. I've always wanted to do things my way because I'm scared the other person will do it wrong or not good enough, so I'm always a control freak. But over the course of the Plate Tectonics project, that changes. Click the picture to go to my STEM Foundations Reflection.


Poetically Deep
Class: Language Arts


This is where you will see my Language Arts Reflection  and artifacts proving my growth. I grew in being a poet. From book reports to essays, you can see my growth from inexperienced wanna-be to almost-slightly-is. Click the picture to go to my Language Arts Reflection.


History 8
LA 8
SF 8
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