Daily Journal
Day 1: 6/3/19
Waited in the lobby of building one of Hondros College of Nursing for my employer, Angela Turner, RN, to pick me up. We exchanged greetings when she arrived and she led me to her office. She explained what she does here and what she had to do today. We had to prepare sim labs for the nursing students. This involved giving medical mannequins IVs, wigs, tracheal tubes, fake cuts with fake blood and gauze, cleaning them, and resetting them. When the class arrived, I was introduced to other faculty members and sat in on the class. I then sat in on Professor Turner as she voiced one of the medical mannequins in a SimLab. This is where nursing students interact with the mannequins as if they were real life patients. We finished the SimLab and continued the lecture until I had to leave. Total Worktime: 6 hours.
Day 3: 6/5/19
Today I arrived an hour early and around the same time as the professor. We went to her office and proceeded to prep the day's simulations for the nursing students. We dressed and redressed certain mannequins. We prepped their arms for IV labs. We then broke for lunch. I left an hour early as the professor had to go to a conference in Cincinnati. Total Worktime: 6 hours.
Day 5: 6/12/19
Today I arrived around 9. They did skill test checks for individual medical students. We set about prepping more sim labs and then inventoried the medical supply closet. I counted and opened a lot of packages. I sat in on a few lectures. Went home. Total Worktime: 6 hours.
Day 7: 6/14/19
Arrived 2 hours later than normal at 11 am. Sat in on a lecture and watch a special simulation. This simulation was longer than normal and covered the admission process and the birth of a child. They call the mannequin "SimMom". Basically I watched a mannequin give birth. Then I helped Professor Turner deliver stuff and clean the lab. Then I went home at 4. Total Worktime: 5 hours.
Day 9: 7/9/19
Arrived around 9 as usual. Prepped a mannequin for a simulation (this included adding a beanie, arm band, and IV pull. Also cleaning his nose from sticky gunk). Helped create fake labels and fixed errors with white out. Proceeded to fill up simulated packets with distilled water for future sims. Sat in on two lectures and one simulation. Total Worktime: 8:15 hours.
Day 11: 7/11/19
Arrived on time at noon. Supervisor was forty minutes late due to dead car battery. Re-assembled dry injectipads. Total Worktime: 8:15 hours

Day 2: 6/4/19
I arrived and headed straight for Professor Turner's office. We began prepping more mannequins for more SimLabs. A single nursing student arrived to make up missed classes. Professor Turner turned on an educational video for the student and I sat in on it for a while. I then continued helping Professor Turner. The rest of the class arrived and Professor Turner and I could not prep the mannequins while the students were there. We sat in on their lecture and then headed to another building to check her mailbox. We came back and then she graded papers while I say in on the lecture. We are lunch and then supervised students during an exam. Then we headed back and continued prepping mannequins until I had to leave. Total Worktime: 6 hours.
Day 4: 6/11/19
Today I arrived and headed straight for Professor Turner's office. We sat in on lectures and I helped her prep more mannequins. Today we made fake poop and put it into an adult diapers for a simulation. We were then interviewed by Hondros College media people. We got our pictures taken and prepped more mannequins. Then we broke for lunch. After lunch, I helped her with more simulations and sat in on lectures. Then I left. Total Worktime: 6 hours.
Day 6: 6/13/19
Arrived an hour later than normal. They did skill test checks for individual medical students. We went to the other building and looked in her mailbox and for a certain staff member. We prepped sim labs. Then we had lunch. I sat in a lecture afterwards. I watched a simulation lab. Went home. Total Worktime: 6 hours.
Day 8: 7/8/19
Arrived around 9 as usual. Printed papers, relabeled manilla folders, wrote on the whiteboard, got out supplies for a new class coming in later that day. Set out sharps containers for IV practice. Went home at three. Total Worktime: 6:15 hours.
Day 10: 7/10/19
Arrived ten minutes early at 10:50. Sat in on lecture. Stapled many handouts for nursing students. Sat in on lecture. Went to lunch. Came back, set up simulation. Unfolded/broke down cardboard boxes. Washed pocket nurse "injectipads" and "popped their pimples." Left at 7:15. Total Worktime: 8:15 hours

Clara Schulze
Digital Portfolio
Poetically Deep
Language Arts
This year in Language Arts class I have grown in being more poetically deep. I am terrible at writing and my essays and other assignments suffer for it. I do think I have improved because my grade on my first book review for the Independent Reading Project (IRP) wasn’t as good as the review for my second. The IRP is a project where we read a book of our choice, collect sentences, then write about each sentence, and write a book review. You tell her your book choice by a certain due date, then you have the rest of the quarter to do the last three things. The book must be at least 150 pages long and age appropriate for the reading level of students. You have to collect at least 10 sentences from all over the book, and describe how you feel about them and why you chose them. However, doing more than 10 sentences is allowed and will get you extra credit points. In the actual book review, you have to write claims about the book you read in a book review then provide evidence and reasoning for why. The book review part has always been the hardest part for me because while I love reading, I’ve never been very good at getting my point across. You have to include certain amounts of evidence and claims, and back it up with reasoning. Reasoning is like supporting your evidence supporting you claims. I never balance them quite well.
Being poetic is sort of like digging deep into your inner thoughts and feelings and communicating it in a way that is calm and interesting. The IRP book review wants to know our inner thoughts and feelings about the book we read. I wasn’t very good at communicating or even finding the feelings I had about it. You can see with my first is really sucky and it has a lot of feedback on grammar and flowing with my words. I sound -when I read what I write aloud- really choppy and my words stutter. I don’t describe things that I should describe. I don’t dig deep and connect what I’m feeling into words. These words are choppy and don’t collect together thoughtfully in a smooth manner. I don’t use creative words and thus, my writing isn’t very interesting here. I know all sorts of creative vocabulary but I just don’t know how to apply them. Vocabulary is like all the words a certain person knows. I am not poetic, but I have grown in being more like one.
My second book review applies a lot of the feedback she gave me in the first review but I went overboard and excluded some things I had in the first, it was significantly better though. I found more feelings about the book I read in second quarter than the one in first quarter. I was more fluent with expressing my feelings about the book I read. I applied techniques of being a poet and it was better. In my third paragraph, I really am more fluent than before when I’m listing my claims. The claims express what I’m feeling in a way that other people can understand.
A This I Believe essay is where you choose anything that you just really believe is true, it can be anything. It could be about gummy bears, or death, or the universe, or lamps. Then you write an essay about it. As long as you believe in it, you can write an essay about it. An essay is a relatively large document meant to express one’s opinions. You explain why you chose this belief, why it’s important to you, and tell stories about your belief. It really helps people dig deep and find what they love and cherish. If you look at pieces of my This I Believe Essay I am so much more poetic. I have sentences where I really dig deep. I find feelings that I couldn’t have described in my first IRP. It feels so much better than my first book review. There are a few sentences where I describe every feeling, and every sound and it feels so real just reading them myself. I think this is how it works, you describe everything you sense, and then describe how you feel about it.
In conclusion, I grew in being a poet. I am horrible at writing but I have improved enough to get a good grade and impress myself. I think the key was to use a wide vocabulary in describing things, and to describe every detail. To describe everything in sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. I just don’t know how to apply that. I have grown in doing it a lot better than I have been now because of my growth.