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So what is Collaboration? Collaboration is one of the 5 Qualities; five words that the entire DRSS student body strives to be like. The 5 Qualities are Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Inquiry, and Persistence. Collaboration is when you work with other people to create or do something; working together. So, when I was paired up with two people for the Plate Tectonics Project, I wasn’t very good with people. I never have been in the area of collaboration. I’m a people person but I am very controlling when it comes to my grade. Everything has to be done my way or it isn’t done right at all. Those two people happened to be exactly like me. They had to control every detail. We fought in the beginning, we would steal whatever the other person was working on right out of their hands. All three of us did it. Clearly we didn’t get along at first. Over the course of the project we started to run smoothly. Like well-oiled gears we knew how the others behaved and what to and not to do. To clear an idea with the rest of the group before acting on it. This is exactly what collaboration is all about, and it’s what I’ve grown in this year.


The purpose of the Plate Tectonics Project was to model a small part of the Earth’s tectonic plates at certain locations. You took foam, cut it into the pieces you wanted, then duct taped each piece, then packing taped each piece and added any other finishing touches. We did this project to educate ourselves and other people/students about the way the plates deep down in the ground work. Each location was an example of a different type of plate boundary or hotspot. A plate boundary is the place where one plate stops and the other starts. At some boundaries, the two plates are colliding, some are moving away from each other, and some are moving alongside each other. A hotspot is where magma from the core finds a weak spot in the crust and come up to the surface. My particular group’s location was the Great Rift Valley which is a rift in the Earth’s surface in Africa. In the Great Rift Valley, there are two plates below it going in the opposite direction. This is called a divergent plate boundary. This causes the crust on top to stretch apart and split which is why the middle triangle falls down, to show stretching, and the two outer ones are on top of either plate and they split. The Plates move in opposite directions because of the mantle ‘flowing’ under the plates. The plates float on top, sort of like a boat on water. The mantle is much larger than in our model, because we only showed a piece of it.


We first started by making our design, then we made a small prototype about the size of two tennis balls. You cut out some foam and then duct tape it and packing tape it so that it is durable. You do this with any other pieces that you need. Our prototype was ok, but it had some problems. The middle triangle didn’t want to fall down straight and wanted to stick to one of the side triangles, everything should have been transportable but if tipped everything would fall out, and we needed it to stay slick so it would work smoothly. Once we had our critique with engineers, we chose ideas that we liked best. It was easy, because we thought alike at that point in the project.


Once we had everything down, we made our final. But after we had finished, the Plexiglas kept falling off and the handles kept falling off. We tried gorilla glue, and super glue, and hot glue, and it didn’t work so we finally agreed to just duct tape them on.


Through collaboration, we talked out our problems and resolved the issue. We talked about what had worked and what hadn’t and came up with a solution. I was once very angry and controlling. At the beginning of the project, I didn’t want anyone to do anything for fear of them doing it wrong, m was once very angry and controlling. At the beginning of the project, I didn’t want anyone to do anything for fear of them doing it wrong, my partners were the same. At the end of the project, we each knew how the others thought. We knew each other’s preferences and what to do to not tick them off. We worked together and read each other’s minds, never fighting. If that isn’t a wonderful example of collaboration skills I don’t know what is. Since we were terrible together at the beginning of the project and were stupendous at the end, I would definitely call that a growth in collaboration. If we had been faced with that problem with the glue and handles at the beginning of the project I’m not sure we could have come up with a solution. Without collaboration, we would not have a well-oiled country that we have today. When laws were written, there would have been no agreement and people would constantly be fighting over differing opinions. When I grow up, and I have to produce a project for the company or work with another surgeon on a surgery or work together to build something, I’ll be able to. Collaboration is what supports the entire community and without it I won’t be able to do anything in the adult world.

8th Grade Overview

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