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Labeling and Identifying Angle Measures

This year in math class I grew in labeling and identifying angle measures (geometry). Two endeavors I think prove that are the Scaled Characters Project and Investigation 3 from Stretching and Shrinking (the last book). The purpose of the Scaled Characters Project was to create a figure enlarged and shrunk and create a table with all the points, this was what the product was as well. The process was simple, we got paired up with 2-3 partners and brainstormed what the original character would look like. Then we chose a character and plotted its x and y coordinates and used the points to create an enlarged and shrunk version of the original. We kept working on it, had a critique session and turned it in. The purpose of Investigation 3 from Stretching and Shrinking (the previous book) was to learn how to answer all the questions correctly and look back on it with MR Questions. The process was just every day doing one part. So on the first day we did 3.1 then 3.2 then 3.3 and then MR Questions. The product was a packet with all four of those items.


My first artifact is my Check Up for use after Investigation 1. It happened before my second artifact so I improved because this test shows I didn’t understand very much because I got the angle measure for 2 wrong on b and c. B should have been 60 degrees and c should have been 120 degrees but I put 62 and 123 instead. I also didn’t have the little v shaped thing that goes before the letters on number 5 and I lost points. I didn’t include it because I didn’t know but I do now. Ex:      ABC. On number 5 we had to find a supplementary and complementary of a certain angle. Supplementary angles are two or more angles who’s measurements add up to 180 degrees. Complementary angles are two or more angles who’s measurements add up to 90 degrees. It shows my growth because Ms. Slone -my math teacher- showed me that it was wrong and the correct way to do it. Since I knew how to do it properly, I grew in my geometry skills.


My second artifact is the packet for/from Investigation 3. You can see we experimented with shapes and design, trying to shrink, enlarge, or trying to reptile the shapes. Reptile means to fill up a space using the exact same shape and having no white space leftover. The MR Questions are stapled to the back because the packet is arranged in chronological order. On 3.2 (second page) I discovered all triangles can be reptiled. I explained that in E3. This proves I grew in my understanding of geometry because I made discoveries and the questions were interesting and fun to answer. When I am interested in what I am doing, I understand a lot more, it makes more sense, and I really do learn.


In conclusion, over the year I have understood more and more about geometry. I now understand a lot more like that all triangles can be reptiled and the shapes are basically mathematical equations. Based on the evidence I have given you I think you will agree. My evidence shows how I didn’t understand and how I overcame the challenge and pushed on.

This is my 1st artifact, Check Up for use after Investgation 1

This is my 2nd artifact, 3.1

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