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Throughout the course of my junior year at the Dayton Regional STEM School, I have exhibited the quality Persistence. Junior year was instantly a difficult trial for me the moment I walked into the door. It was a lot easier in my 10th grade year and I wasn’t used to the sudden realization of almost being a senior. The classes were much harder and the projects were much more realistic. They had lifelike expectations and goals. In previous years, all we had to do was create a product like a poster or a video. This year we have actually been working towards real products we might make in real careers and jobs. Due to this new 

additional challenge, I have had to work harder to maintain my grades and work quality.

Firstly, I started my junior year in Technical Reading and Writing out with a project called the Career Exploration Report. The purpose of this report was to research potential careers I was thinking about and locate possible internships for later use. Originally, if I vaguely thought a job sounded good, I would tell people that I was thinking about that career, but I never looked into their daily duties or researched anything about the career. It was a pretty tedious project, but despite that, it yielded great results. It felt extremely dull researching careers so it was hard for me to keep at it. Despite this though, I finished the assignment and turned it in on time. The two careers I researched for this project were pediatrician and environmental engineer. I thought the career of an environmental engineer sounded like it would be a pretty interesting job and I would possibly be able to help save earth. Through this project however, I realized the main job of an environmental engineer was to advise construction projects and other tasks that involved being outside a lot. They mostly focus on trying not to damage the environment when builders are constructing new buildings. 

Because of this, I realized the career of environmental engineer was not something I wanted to be doing for the rest of my life. Even so, it was incredibly hard to motivate myself to work on the project because it was so dull. I paced myself, and I worked on it anyway. As you can see, I received an A (54/60) for this project. So my persistence paid off.

Secondly, it was incredibly difficult for me to maintain my grade in my chosen elective. Anatomy and Physiology was all about memorization, so it required me to maintain a regular studying schedule. I was not used to regular studying. Usually I just studied the night before and morning of a test in order to ace it easily. A&P was not quite so easy. So, I had to actively change my lifestyle to accommodate this. It was hard for me. I have to dedicate a lot of time to dance, so I do not have as much time as other people. You can see how I succeeded when you look at the grades I got on my tests and quizzes. One example of this would be the Skeletal Anatomy Test from second quarter. Here you can see that I only missed two points off the entire test. I correctly answered all of the labelling questions and the essay questions because I had studied in advance and I had prepared myself for it. This was only due to the fact that through trial and error I had improved my studying habits and persisted through the changes to my life.

Thirdly, math has always been my worst subject. I am not saying I am necessarily bad at math, I am just not as strong in it as I am with other subjects. During sophomore year, geometry was fairly easy for me to pass. It was a bit of a 

shock to be suddenly thrown back into a real class, which was Algebra II. Algebra has been quite literally the hardest class for me. I am constantly struggling not to get a B in the class, and I almost did get a B in my second quarter. This was mostly due to the fact that my Key problems (homework graded for accuracy) were not turning out so great. For example, if you look at Key Problem 3-2, I received a 3/8 on it. This is a 37% and completely not up to my standards. I clearly did not understand the concept of 

conics, which is what the key problem was covering. But, after studying a lot and asking the people around me for help, I persisted, and received a 20/20 on my final Conics Project. This was great for my grade, and I ended up getting an A in the class that quarter.

In conclusion, you can see that junior year has been the hardest year for me yet. I, however, have not let this affect my heart or my grades, and have actively applied myself even more in school. Therefore, the quality I have exhibited the most this year was Persistence.

Quality Reflection Essay


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