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Hi! My name is Clara Schulze and I am a 17 year old senior at the Dayton Regional STEM School (DRSS). This is my digital portfolio. It is a collection of projects I have done throughout my career as a student and various snippets of information about me. If you have any suggestions for my website, you can contact me here: Contact.


I came to DRSS because I heard that DRSS offers a new way of learning and provides hands on experience. DRSS has things like PBL (Project Based Learning), the 5 Qualities, and the 6 thinking hats. We focus on making many drafts before the final project and critique each step of the way. While at DRSS I have learned how to think critically and offer polite critique, as well as recieve critique gracefully. I also came to get good practice for college and/or work.

I am considering a career along the lines of a pediatrician, physical therapist, or an OB/GYN.



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